Releasing your inner dragon
Welcome to the world of creative writing and story mastery with Maxwell Alexander Drake and Marie Mullany, your guides to Releasing Your Inner Dragon. This author podcast is a treasure trove of writing tips and advice, sparking inspiration and ah-ha moments for every stage of an author’s career.
Drake, an award-winning novelist and creative writing teacher, brings his experience from the gaming world and beyond, while Mullany, author of the Sangwheel Chronicles and YouTuber, shares her expertise in fantasy world-building. Together, they delve into the intricacies of crafting compelling narratives, offering invaluable writing resources and insights. Connect with this dynamic duo and join a community of listeners passionate about storytelling and writing more immersive books.
Listen and learn from the podcast and connect with your hosts:
Releasing your inner dragon
How to Write a Magic System that WOWs
Join Drake and Marie as they discuss using author voice vs character voice.
Writer's room (50% off for lifetime membership): https://writersroom.mn.co/plans/338439?bundle_token=196fd3965307a65eee0d1bf2bc6fa5a6&utm_source=manual
Membership for Just In Time Worlds: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxvBH0EkwuHsQ9ryHHQNi2Q/join
Give us feedback at releasingyourinnerdragon(at)gmail(dot)com
Discord: https://discord.gg/vMrmBsF5fh
Magicfall: http://magicfallnovel.com/
Drake's Contact Details:
Starving Writer Studio: https://www.starvingwriterstudio.com/
Drake-U: https://class.drakeu.com/ - Use RYID25 for 25% off!
Writer's Room: https://writersroom.mn.co/
Marie's contact details:
Books: https://mariemullany.com/books
Just In Time Worlds: https://www.youtube.com/c/JustInTimeWorlds?sub_confirmation=1